“Transparency” may seem like a minor concern for a nature-focused non-profit organization, but it’s something that the Friends of Malheur takes seriously. As an organization that raises money from concerned folks like you, we believe that we have a responsibility to be open and forthcoming about everything we do. We pursue this goal by cooperating with a national organization called Candid.
Those of you who have been involved for some time in non-profit organizations may recall an organization known as Guidestar. Its purpose was to curate a centralized data center where one could discover basic information about non-profit – things like their finances, board composition, and mission.
Guidestar is now a part of Candid, and the Guidestar profiles on the Candid provide a huge public database profiling non-profit organizations across the nation. I bring this up because we’ve just finished updating our profile, and I’m proud to report that it has earned a Platinum Certification from Candid, that organization’s highest designation. You can look at our report by going to guidestar.org and searching for Friends of Malheur. It’s that easy.
In the fundraising world transparency is important. We believe we owe it our donors to provide all the pertinent information about who we are and how we spend your money. Check us out on Candid – I hope you’ll be pleased by what you find.
Wm. Tweed, FOMR Board President