You might ask, “Where are the best places to observe birds and wildlife”. It’s not a simple answer and there is no single location.

There is an abundance of great birding and wildlife areas in the Harney Basin and Southeast Oregon beginning with Malheur Refuge. Here are some resources to help guide you on your wildlife adventure.

US Fish & Wildlife Watchable Wildlife
A 20 page PDF that lists species and seasons that wildlife may be more available for viewing.

Spring Migration Checklist
A 2 page PDF that lists Spring Arrival Dates for Common Migrant Birds at Malheur Refuge and the Harney Basin.

eBird Field Checklist
This checklist is generated with data from eBird, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. 349 species (+88 other taxa).

Harney County Birding Locations
East Cascades Audubon Society website includes birding locations throughout Harney County in Google maps.

USFW Bat Guide
An 8 page PDF displaying bat information for Malheur Refuge and the Harney Basin.

USFW Butterfly Guide
A 23 page PDF displaying butterfly information for Malheur Refuge and the Harney Basin.

USFW Dragonfly Guide
A 5 page PDF displaying dragonfly information for Malheur Refuge and the Harney Basin.

Be a Malheur Refuge Advocate.
You can become a Malheur Refuge champion by joining the Friends of Malheur and together we can advocate for a secure and more prosperous future for Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and our national wildlife refuge system.