Friends of Malheur NWR is celebrating 20 years of promoting conservation and appreciation of natural and cultural resources. Join our BIRTHDAY Celebration with this FREE line up of events!
Friday – Board & Members
1:00 PM Board Meeting: FOMR Board of Directors and Refuge Staff will meet to discuss upcoming programs along with the progress of ongoing projects.
5:00 – 7:00 PM Happy Hour: All are welcome to join us for a casual evening of dining and drinks at a local restaurant in Burns, OR. Location TBD
Saturday – Public & Free
7:30 – 11:30 Migrate Malheur: Expert birders, biologists and renowned authors will be stationed at key birding hotspots along the Auto Tour Route to share the thrill of Birding and Exploring Malheur with you!
Presentations at Refuge HQ by Gary Ivey, Biologist and FOMR President.
9:00 AM Sandhill Cranes of the Pacific Flyway
11:00 AM Conservation Challenges of Trumpeter Swans at Malheur
For Transportation: Two vans will leave from Burns HS and return by noon. Pre-register for a seat on the van at 541.493.2612

Let us know you intend to join us!
Sunday – Members & Guests
8:30 – 12:00 PM & 1:00 – 4:30 PM Friends Guided Tours: Sign up for a van tour of either Boca Lake or Double O units of the Refuge. You will be led by one of FOMR’s Board Members having extensive history with Malheur Refuge, including many years of biological work.
Double O Unit – Unique unto itself, the “Wilds” of the Double O unit of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge are a blend of playas, dunes, meadows, lakes and ponds. This westernmost region of the Refuge provides excellent habitat for shorebirds on receding mudflats and alkali playas. You will be guided by one of FOMR’s Birding Aficionados and Board Members. From swallows to ducks to swans and eagles, the list can often reach twenty-five species! AM Tour PM Tour
Boca Lake Unit – Experience this beautiful sub-basin of the Blitzen Valley, exploring the wetlands and surrounding habitats of the 600-acre Boca Lake. You will be guided by one of FOMR’s Birding Aficionados and Board Members. and You can expect an abundance of water birds and plenty of upland species as you circumnavigate the lake. Due to the importance of this specialized habitat, which is a rare oasis in the Harney Basin, this area is otherwise closed to the public! AM Tour PM Tour
Suggested Donation of $20/person. Donations and Membership dues are put towards Friends of Malheur Projects and Programs that further our mission to promote conservation and appreciation of the natural and cultural resources at Malheur NWR.