Written by Carey Goss/ Featured image by Emily Martinez, 10th Grade
This year, the Harney County Migratory Bird Festival’s annual youth art contest gave out prizes to the winning artists through a public voting contest.
More than 60 art pieces were entered in the contest from kindergarten to 12th grade. “Every art piece entered in the youth art contest was remarkable.” Wildlife Refuge Specialist Carey Goss said. “I believe it added something more to the Harney County Art Show and Sale.” (Right: Cranes by June Branstetter, 1st Grade)
The youth art contest encourages students from kindergarten through high school to observe, understand, and ultimately share what they have learned about migratory birds. By creating a unique art entry for the Harney County Migratory Bird Festival, the students are provided an opportunity to artistically express their knowledge of the diversity, interdependence, and beauty of wildlife. The art contest encourages educators, supervising adults, and students to use curriculum guides to direct their exploration and investigation of migratory birds and their habitat needs and the principles of visual art design.
One entrant, Sadie Davis, 6th grade received an honorable mention. She created an art piece that was voted on the most out of all submissions (Left: Barn Owl). Davis took home the blue ribbon on the festival’s youth art contest for her age category 6th – 8th and an honorable mention ribbon.
All winning art pieces will receive a scholarship sponsored by the Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Executive Director Janelle Wicks is more than happy to recognize the young artist’s ability and talent. “These young artists of all ages deserve an acknowledgment for submitting beautiful artwork of migratory birds you may see in Harney County.”
Harney County Migratory Bird Festival and Harney County Chamber of Commerce are hoping to have all the winning artwork from the youth art contest as well as some of the Artist-in-Residence artwork serve as the design for the new downtown pole banners, which will be displayed annually during the festival.
A big thank you goes out to all the young artists and educators and supervising adults that made the youth art contest a success. “This special opportunity for young artists to share the beauty of migratory birds through art added more to the festival,” said Goss. “I hope the young artists enjoyed creating masterpieces as much as everyone who saw their artwork.” (Right: Maiana Manibusan, 4th Grade)
- Paisley Martinak
- Aren Boerem
- Dayton Washington
Grades 1 – 2
- June Branstetter
- Wade Toelle
- Caitlyn Allen
Grades 3 – 5
- Maiana Manibusan
- Madison Davis
- Will Frank
Grades 6 – 8
- Sadie Davis
- Harlee Englestadter
- Amaya Ballard
Grades 9 – 12
- Emily Martinez
- Kai Sawyer
- Kayli Dunten