
Goshawk at Malheur

Species Spotlight: Northern Goshawk

Northern goshawks are found across North America and throughout Eurasia. The word ‘goshawk’ comes from Old English and means “goose hawk,” a tribute to their bird-heavy diet. Humans and goshawks have worked together for approximately 2,000 years, when falconers began training them to capture meat for dinner.

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Ferrugineous Hawk

Ferruginous Hawk Gallery

“This was definitely my most memorable moment…the tenderness of the parents towards their young, the little ones energy and eagerness all backdropped by a beautiful sunset…it was a heartfelt scene to say the least, that touched me so deeply I drove away crying, tears of beauty, tears of gratitude.” – Calley Lovett

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white-faced ibis with radio transmitter backpack

Ibis Wrangling in the Wild West

Seen commonly in wetlands and flooded agricultural fields throughout the west, the White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi) is easily recognizable by its subtly beautiful iridescent plumage and comically long bill. The ibis has become the poster child for biological diversity among the arid and semi-arid wetland habitats being threatened by climate change.

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