FOMR President’s Message

A Word from Our President 7.1.2023

Some of you may be aware that during my working days I spent many years on the staff of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, and I still follow affairs in that region with interest. The big story there this spring – aside from the massive snowpack – is the reemergence of Tulare Lake in the southern part of California’s Great Central Valley.

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A Word from Our President 4.3.2023

After a long and quiet winter, the natural world is stirring. Migratory birds – waterbirds and songbirds alike – are surging northward toward their summer breeding grounds after wintering in relatively mild places like California’s Great Central Valley. Some species traveled as far south as Central America to avoid the cold. Throughout April, flocks of numerous species will arrive at Malheur to feed and rest.

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