
Volunteer Birding!


Volunteer Birding!

Written by Janelle Wicks, FOMR Director and Teresa ‘Bird’ Wicks, Bird Alliance of Oregon Biologist
Photo by of 2024 Tribal Stewards crew members with Teresa Wicks conducting snowy plover surveys along the south side of Harney Lake playa.

There is no lack of need for knowledge around bird species abundance and diversity utilizing habitat throughout the Harney Basin. Collecting this data is a calculated endeavor with survey protocols that were once only accessible to and entrusted with resource professionals. Increasingly, ornithologists are reimagining the ability to collect necessary information by organizing ‘blitz’ style survey efforts with the help of volunteers. 

These community science opportunities in the Harney Basin and more specifically at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge are as abundant as the birds and YOU can help. The efforts differ depending on the focal species, seasonality, etc. but largely just require an enthusiasm to go birding! 

Below you will find a list of community science bird survey opportunities facilitated by Bird Alliance of Oregon’s Eastern Oregon Biologist, Teresa ‘Bird’ Wicks. Camping is provided for all of these community science weekends. There is camping gear available through our gear library. BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled birders, bird-enthusiasts, and Malheur aficionados are welcome. Accessibility is noted below.

For questions or to sign up for any of the activities below email [email protected].

March – August: Project IBiS (Inventorying Birds in the Silvies Floodplain
This is currently our only “on your own” community science project in Harney County. Volunteers are encouraged to survey the six sites that are part of this project anytime from March to August. Data from this project not only provide restoration effectiveness data (i.e. did we meet our goals?) but also help Bird Alliance of Oregon staff and partners track bird use of (primarily) flood-irrigated wet meadows throughout the breeding season. This information is helpful for planning restoration and rehabilitation activities on and off refuge.

April 23-26: Spring Shorebird Survey
Join Bird Alliance of Oregon and USFWS staff in supporting the regional effort to survey spring migrating shorebirds in the intermountain west. We’ll survey the Silvies Floodplain, and the Double O, Malheur Lake, and waters of the Blitzen Valley for spring migrating shorebirds. This survey is part of a project organized by Point Blue Bird Observatory and National Audubon, with support from the USFWS. Camping will be available. Camping gear will be available for participants to use during this event. There are some driving routes during this survey. All other routes require a minimum of 5 miles of hiking, with the possibility of 10 miles. Conditions in spring are unpredictable. Wet playas can be difficult to walk on/survey. This survey will present an opportunity for adventure! There are no bathrooms available during this survey.

April 27-30: Sandhill Crane Spring Count
Join Bird Alliance of Oregon and USFWS staff in surveying for Sandhill Crane pairs. This survey is part of an effort to reimagine crane monitoring at Malheur NWR and to better understand the impacts of invasive monocultures, such as reed canarygrass, on crane territories and reproduction at the refuge. In other words, you can help refuge staff understand if Sandhill Cranes at Malheur are being negatively impacted by reed canarygrass, particularly their ability to successfully hatch and rear colts. Most, if not all, routes on this survey will be driving routes. Camping gear will be available for participants to use during this event. There will potentially be bathrooms available on some, but not all routes.

June 18-21: Interior Western Snowy Plover Survey
Join Bird Alliance of Oregon and USFWS staff in surveying for Snowy Plovers and other shorebirds on the playas of the Double O unit of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. These areas are typically closed to the public so this is a great opportunity to see parts of the Refuge that not many people get to see while also giving back to Malheur and the birds who breed and stopover here. Camping will be provided. Camping gear is available for participants to use during this event. All routes for this survey require hiking more than 5 miles roundtrip, many require hiking up to 10 miles roundtrip. There will be no bathrooms during this survey.

June 22-25: Sandhill Crane Spring Count
Join Bird Alliance of Oregon and USFWS staff in surveying for Sandhill Crane pairs and colts. This survey is part of an effort to reimagine crane monitoring at Malheur NWR and to better understand the impacts of invasive monocultures, such as reed canarygrass, on crane territories and reproduction at the refuge. In other words, you can help refuge staff understand if Sandhill Cranes at Malheur are being negatively impacted by reed canarygrass, particularly their ability to successfully hatch and rear colts. Most, if not all, routes on this survey will be driving routes. Camping gear will be available for participants to use during this event. There will potentially be bathrooms available on some, but not all routes.

August 13-16: Fall Shorebird Survey
Join Portland Audubon and USFWS staff in supporting the effort to survey shorebirds in the intermountain west. We’ll survey the playas of the Double O for fall migrating and staging shorebirds. This survey is part of a project organized by Point Blue Bird Observatory and National Audubon, with support from the USFWS. Camping will be available. Camping gear will be available for participants to use during this event. There are some driving routes during this survey. All other routes require a minimum of 5 miles of hiking, with the possibility of 10 miles roundtrip. There will be no bathroom access during walking routes and driving routes will only have bathroom access at the beginning and end of the route.

August 17-20: Sandhill Crane Spring Count
Join Bird Alliance of Oregon and USFWS staff in surveying for Sandhill Crane pairs. This survey is part of an effort to reimagine crane monitoring at Malheur NWR and to better understand the impacts of invasive monocultures, such as reed canarygrass, on crane territories and reproduction at the refuge. In other words, you can help refuge staff understand if Sandhill Cranes at Malheur are being negatively impacted by reed canarygrass, particularly their ability to successfully hatch and rear colts. Most, if not all, routes on this survey will be driving routes. Camping gear will be available for participants to use during this event. There will potentially be bathrooms available on some, but not all routes


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