Visitor & Volunteer Blog Articles

June in Malheur: A time for watching babies

Within 100 yards of the Crane’s Nature Center and Shop, where we worked, there were 5 species of birds with moms either sitting on eggs or feeding hatchlings. Those species were Red Tailed Hawk, Great Horned Owl, Say’s Phoebe, Barn Swallow and Black Chinned Hummingbird.

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How did you get here?

Written by Lane Wintermute, FOMR Member and Volunteer Photographer Photos by Lane Wintermute I was asked about how I came to know Malheur. It would be interesting to hear your

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Malheur’s Gifts

Gratitude by Bailey deIongh, FOMR Volunteer One of the many gifts the Malheur gave me is a month of being in a state of constant awe: from its many diverse

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Our Month at Malheur

We have so many wonderful memories of our explorations. Perhaps best were the incredible sunrises and sunsets, easily viewable from our campground. I will always remember the two Great Horned Owls who hung out in a tree next to the campground serenading us with their hoots many evenings and mornings.

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation

I’m at Malheur volunteering for the Friends of Malheur Refuge in their Crane’s Nest Nature Center and Store.  Generally, I’m scheduled for three days a week, so I have time off to bird and explore.

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