Written by Janelle Wicks, FOMR Director
Photo of white-faced ibis by Dan Streiffert, FOMR Volunteer
The first public meeting for the Refuge’s new Comprehensive Conservation Plan, affectionately being referred to as CCP 2.0, took place on Wednesday January 29, 2025. The primary goal of this meeting was to bring diverse stakeholders of the refuge together to share their biases and various perspectives on the importance of the Refuge as they see it and secondarily to learn about this planning process. Much like the development of the original CCP which was finalized in 2013 after a total 14 years of development, this plan is being cultivated through collaboration. This next plan will be facilitated by High Desert Partnership and Oregon Consensus.
You might be wondering, what exactly is a Comprehensive Conservation Plan or CCP? In short, the purpose of a CCP is to specify a management direction for the Refuge for the next 15 years. The goals, objectives, and strategies for improving Refuge conditions, including the types of habitat to be provided, partnership opportunities, and management actions needed to achieve desired conditions, are described in the CCP.
Over 40 people attended with representation from conservation organizations like Oregon Natural Desert Association, Bird Alliance of Oregon, and the Xerces Society. Harney county community members attended including Refuge neighbors and rancher permitees.
After attendees shared their connection to the Refuge and hopes for the process Jess Wenick, Malheur Refuge Project Leader (Manager), gave a presentation titled Saving the World One Plan at a Time. In explaining what a CCP is, he shared that Malheur’s original CCP is known nationally as the most collaborative plan development process which also helped to greatly improve the relationship between the Refuge and the local community which has previously been very tense.
As this next planning process takes place, chapters and relevant sections of the existing CCP will be shared to participating individuals and subject matter groups (Figure 1 Below). Subject matter groups include the ‘Biology Brigade’, ‘Hydromorphology Team’ informed by wetland review and rancher review teams, and ultimately the Coordinating Committee’. FOMR’s own Executive Director has been invited to participate as a member of the Coordinating Committee which will review the information provided by subject matter groups and set agendas for upcoming public meetings. Throughout the process, every stakeholder is welcome and encouraged to engage in these monthly Public Collaboration Meetings.

In the words of retired wildlife biologist, Rick Roy, looking at the CCP for the Refuge is very much like asking “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and subsequently what are the objectives you are going to set to reach that goal? So, what do we, collectively, want the Refuge to look like and what will the objectives in the CCP look like to get us there?
Ultimately, this process may result in a completely new planning document or a series of amendments to sections of the existing plan. The goal is to be effective and efficient – making the most of everyone’s time and expertise while producing a road map for the management of the Refuge that will best serve its natural and cultural resources.
The Friends of Malheur NWR is committed to engaging in this process at all levels and communicating its progress to you. Please watch this space for updates, announcements and invitations to future public meetings.