The Friends of Malheur NWR’s annual gathering is going virtual! As part of our Harney@Home campaign and in celebration of Malheur NWR we are bringing you a full week of events designed to engage and entertain you, our Friends!
Additional details and updates will be posted regularly to our Facebook page. You can follow us @MalheurFriends. If you have questions about any of the events please email us, [email protected]
All of the Events listed below are linked directly to their Registration pages. If you do not register in advance you may still have the opportunity to watch LIVE via Facebook!

Trumpeter Swan Presentation
Principles & Pitfalls of Bird ID
Sandhill Cranes Presentation
Birding Malheur & Beyond
Basic Shorebird ID

This concert will be INTERACTIVE – stay tuned for details.

See: The Trumpeter Swan Society, Kenn Kaufman, International Crane Foundation, Stephan Nance Music, East Cascades Audubon Society