Year 3 of Passive Acoustic Monitoring
In 2021, we partnered with the refuge and Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative partners to pilot an effort using autonomous recording units (ARU) to expand monitoring efforts in the Harney Basin.
In 2021, we partnered with the refuge and Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative partners to pilot an effort using autonomous recording units (ARU) to expand monitoring efforts in the Harney Basin.
Written by Lauren Gramberg, OSU Masters Student This summer, a new pollinator project hit the ground running in the Steens Mountain region, led by Dr. Jim Rivers and Dr. Jonathan
The native fish species in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge have been isolated in the springs and waterways there since the Pleistocene era or around 11,000 to 13,000 years ago.
On a brisk and beautifully serene morning in late March, a Real Time Research biologist loaded survey gear in an airboat and was whisked away to Tern Island in the middle of Malheur Lake.
Portland Audubon is awarded $132,908 to monitor the relationships between nesting and migratory birds, seasonal water patterns, and vegetation in the Harney Basin to inform upcoming restoration work.
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