Wildlife Research & Surveys

A Trumpeter Swan Mystery Studied

Numbers of migrant Trumpeter Swans moving through eastern Oregon have increased dramatically over the last two decades, particularly at Malheur Refuge and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (ODFW) Summer Lake Wildlife Area. We want to learn more about the origins of these trumpeters and to identify their breeding, stopover, and wintering sites.

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White-faced Ibis Project Update

What has been a surprise is the durability of the birds and transmitters. When starting a pilot study on a new species with new capture and attachment techniques, there are many unknowns, and it is difficult to predict how things will go – they have gone exceptionally well. I can confidently say that white-faced ibis will be critical in guiding wetland conservation in the West.  

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Carp Biomass Study at MNWR

Written by James Pearson, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Fish Biologist/Aerial photo of Malheur Lake by Peter Pearsall My name is James Pearson and I am the new Fish Biologist at

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Banding Ducks By Night

Written by Peter Pearsall/Photo by Peter Pearsall On the evening of August 15, under a waxing crescent moon, staff and volunteers from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Oregon

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