2023 Wildlife Internship; Veda’s August Update!
July has been a rewarding month. As mentioned in my previous update, Lin (the Portland Audubon intern) and I had the opportunity to travel to Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Idaho.
July has been a rewarding month. As mentioned in my previous update, Lin (the Portland Audubon intern) and I had the opportunity to travel to Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Idaho.
So far during my internship here at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, I have been collecting data for irrigation and water rights use for the refuge. To do this, I have been using a Flow Tracker at each of the following four locations: East Canal, West Canal, Center Ditch, and Sodhouse.
In 2015, I taught a class called Discovering Insect Species at Oregon State University. The eleven of us (nine students, a graduate teaching assistant, and me) formed a research team studying the diversity of ground beetles of the genus Bembidion.
Throughout eastern Oregon and the Intermountain West migrating and nesting shorebirds depend on saline and freshwater lakes, playas, and nearby wetlands for refueling during migration and for breeding. For example, Wilson’s Phalarope use saline lakes throughout the region as stopover habitat.
Here’s a July 2024 update on the latest locations of seven Trumpeter Swans marked on Malheur Refuge’s Benson Pond in February 2023 with GPS-GSM neck collars to track their migration.
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