Wildlife Research & Surveys

A mining bee (Andrena cheyennorum)

Oregon Bee Atlas Project at Malheur

The Oregon Bee Atlas Master Melittologist Program is a community science initiative that trains volunteers to create and maintain a comprehensive and publicly accessible inventory of the state’s native bees and their plant-host preferences.

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2024 P Ranch Christmas Bird Count

This year, 13 field birders navigated a partially dense patchy foggy and occasionally sunlit landscape that became fully engulfed by dreaded fog by end of the count.  Temperatures were mild (25-39) compared to last year’s record low of -18°F. The lack of snow, partially open water, relatively high number of observers and a day of scouting before the count combined for a high count.

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OWEB Awards Malheur Monitoring Work

Portland Audubon is awarded $132,908 to monitor the relationships between nesting and migratory birds, seasonal water patterns, and vegetation in the Harney Basin to inform upcoming restoration work.

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