
A Word from Our President 4.3.2023

After a long and quiet winter, the natural world is stirring. Migratory birds – waterbirds and songbirds alike – are surging northward toward their summer breeding grounds after wintering in relatively mild places like California’s Great Central Valley. Some species traveled as far south as Central America to avoid the cold. Throughout April, flocks of numerous species will arrive at Malheur to feed and rest.

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Refuge System Rebranding Effort

Refuge System Rebranding Effort By Janelle Wicks/ Photos by USFWS Are you familiar with Puddles, the Blue Goose? Do you know the flying goose and jumping fish shield? What is

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Sunset at Malheur Refuge

A Word from Our President 2.1.2023

A few weeks ago, we added our voice to those calling for the addition of more than five miles of Bridge Creek to Senator Ron Wyden’s proposed River Democracy Act that would enlarge Oregon’s wild and scenic rivers network. This section of Bridge Creek, all of it within the BLM’s Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Area, flows into Malheur National Wildlife Refuge a few miles north of Frenchglen and adds its water to the Donner and Blitzen River.

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