Refuge Management

Welcome Zack McCoy!

My name is Zack McCoy and I’d like to introduce myself as the new P-Ranch Substation Manager at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. I started here in late August after making a short move from Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge just to the west in Plush, Oregon. I worked on Hart as the equipment operator/maintenance mechanic since January of 2017.

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MOTUS Tower at Boca Lake

MOTUS Towers at Malheur

The Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus) is an international collaborative network that uses coordinated automated radio telemetry to facilitate research and education on the ecology and conservation of migratory animals. Motus is a program of Birds Canada in partnership with collaborating researchers and organizations. ( On November 2021 Malheur National Wildlife Refuge became a project partner when two Motus towers were installed.

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Caring for Malheur’s Iconic Trees

Arborist Jon Brown arrived on September 15 to assess the wind-damaged tree. The front side of the trunk was completely dead and disconnected from the living back portion and the ground. He determined that height reduction was the first step and used a pole saw to reduce and/or remove the live branches that were tall enough to strike the Nature Store in the event of the whole tree failing. 

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Emergent Vegetation at Malheur Lake: An Update!

In September, I finished the last of my fieldwork for my master’s project on Malheur Lake. It has been an exciting growing season out on the lake this year, and we have seen a boom in vegetative growth— including annuals, perennials, and vegetatively-producing perennials (plants with rhizomes). As cooler weather rolled in, some areas of the lake that have been lacking vegetation historically are seeing quick growth of cattail.

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