FOMR Intern Program

Emilee’s Farewell

This internship has been truly transformative and such a phenomenal learning opportunity. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributes to the Friends of Malheur program which makes my position possible; it was wonderful getting to meet many of you this summer!

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Technician Emilee’s August Update!

The month started out with the incredible opportunity to travel with Dominic to Modoc NWR in Alturas, CA and assist with the banding of sandhill crane colts. This was hands-down one of the coolest things I have gotten to be a part of, and the chance to handle wildlife for the first time was an incredible experience.

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2023 Wildlife Internship; Veda’s June Update!

So far during my internship here at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, I have been collecting data for irrigation and water rights use for the refuge. To do this, I have been using a Flow Tracker at each of the following four locations: East Canal, West Canal, Center Ditch, and Sodhouse.

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