Conservation – Plant

Conservation Pruning at P Ranch

Arborists Jon, Karen, and Bryan Markhart spent a week in mid-October working with some trees at P-Ranch and along the Central Patrol Road. One of their priorities for this week was hazard mitigation on cottonwood trees that threatened the historic chimney, electrical conductors, existing house, and maintenance sheds (five trees total).

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MNWR Wet Meadow Review

The Wet Meadow Review is a technical, collaborative, interdisciplinary, and multi-interest effort that focuses on an abiotic process-based approach to key wet meadow habitat management challenges and questions.

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Malheur Lake Mesocosm Study

At Malheur Lake, one thing is abundantly clear: the water is anything but, and the decades-long turbid conditions are impacting ecological health of the lake, which is a crucial area for migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway. 

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Caring for Malheur’s Iconic Trees

Arborist Jon Brown arrived on September 15 to assess the wind-damaged tree. The front side of the trunk was completely dead and disconnected from the living back portion and the ground. He determined that height reduction was the first step and used a pole saw to reduce and/or remove the live branches that were tall enough to strike the Nature Store in the event of the whole tree failing. 

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