Written by Rick Vetter, Photos by Rick Vetter A few weeks ago on a chilly January day, a friend of mine saw an eagle on that endless stretch of highway
Swans, Good News and Bad
Written by Gary Ivey, Photo by Dan Streiffert February is known to be the best month to see swans at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Large numbers of Tundra Swans are
February 1, 2022
Dark Skies of the Oregon Outback
We live in an era when natural darkness is increasingly rare, lost to the glow of artificial lighting in cities and other developed areas. This “light pollution” and concomitant loss
February 1, 2022
Species Spotlight: Northern Saw-whet Owl
Written by Peter Pearsall/ Photo by Peter Pearsall The Northern saw-whet owl is an enigmatic denizen of conifer forests across North America. Despite being common and widespread, this nocturnal, cryptically
February 1, 2022