P Ranch River Walk

P Ranch -Malheur NWR 36391 Sodhouse Ln, Princeton, OR

P Ranch River Walk             The stretch of the Blitzen River that extends north from P-Ranch is a popular stop for many visitors to Malheur NWR. The mix of habitats along the river create abundant opportunities for observing birds and the occasional beaver or other mammal. We will walk from the trailhead for the River […]

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Malheur NWR CBC – A Day At P Ranch

P Ranch -Malheur NWR 36391 Sodhouse Ln, Princeton, OR

The Malheur Refuge P Ranch winter bird count is an eagerly awatied birding event. The birding crew will meet at P Ranch on the Refuge. There are several survey routes so teams will be assigned routes that have both hiking and/or driving options. Total bird counts for this winter birding event average 55 species but […]

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Marshbird Madness – A BioBlitz

P Ranch -Malheur NWR 36391 Sodhouse Ln, Princeton, OR

Join Portland Audubon in this first-ever Harney Basin marshbird bioblitz. We will send teams across Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and throughout the Silvies Floodplain to survey for marshbirds. Participants will be able to conduct surveys at sunrise, sunset, or both. Camping will be provided at P Ranch. Camping gear is available for participants to use […]

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