Sandhill Crane Fall Count

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge 36391 Sodhouse Ln, Princeton, OR

            Join Bird Alliance of Oregon and USFWS staff in surveying for Sandhill Crane pairs. This survey is part of an effort to reimagine crane monitoring at Malheur NWR and to better understand the impacts of invasive monocultures, such as reed canarygrass, on crane territories and reproduction at the refuge. In other words, you can […]

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Malheur After Dark

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge 36391 Sodhouse Ln, Princeton, OR

Come celebrate dark skies and all things nocturnal at Malheur NWR Headquarters. ADA compliant bathrooms and parking will be available. There we’ll take an evening bird walk, look for bats and badgers, and enjoy a star viewing experience with the Oregon Observatory. Attendance is FREE For more information, contact: Dr. Teresa "Bird" Wicks at [email protected] […]

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