
Birding Harney County Oregon


This guide tells what bird species you may find in Harney County, including the Malheur National Widlife Refuge. It explains which species are present yearround, which ones pass through, which ones migrate out or in after breeding season is over. Each different habitat found in this large county has species you can expect. There are migrant and vagrant hotspots. There is a likely calendar of when certain bird behaviors can be expected from lekking greater sage grouse to singing bobolink. Masps will help you find places you have never visited before. There is vital information on where camping, toilets, gas stations and drinking water can be found. Among birds not found in most of Oregon, Harney County has the sage grouse, black rosy-finch, bobolink, eastern kingbird, short-easred and long-eared owls, black terns, Franklin’s gulls, white pelicans, mountain bluebird, yellow-breasted chat, common nighthawk and white-faced ibis.
Harry G. Fuller

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