Malheur Sunset Walk
Many birders explore Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters near sunrise, or early in the day. We’ll be changing things up with a little evening birding, looking for exciting birds that arrive as things start to cool down. We will be parking near the Boat Launch.
BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled birders and bird-enthusiasts are welcome at all activities. Accessibility is noted in the outing descriptions below.
Distance: 2 miles.
Elevation change: This path is flat
Trail tread and width: Gravel surface, >36” wide
Pacing: We will be moving slow with frequent stops to look at birds, bats, and other nature sightings
Amenities: ADA parking and an ADA compliant port-a-potty will be available
Rest Stops: There are several benches and picnic tables throughout headquarters
Attendance is FREE
For more information contact Teresa Wicks at [email protected]