Get Involved


As a member-supported non-profit organization, Friends of Malheur Refuge depends on donations of both time and money to achieve our mission.

Marshall Pond Volunteer Group

Volunteer with Friends of Malheur Refuge!

Volunteers and the support they provide are an integral component of this Friends group.

Volunteers are essential to assuring our projects keep moving forward. There are many ways you can support the Friends and the Refuge but one of the most important is volunteering your time.

Friends of Malheur depend on volunteers to support the operation of the Crane’s Nest Nature Center and Store, assist at annual events and participate in a myriad of on-site Refuge projects.

No matter your background, the Friends need diverse talents to support the volunteer opportunities that abound at the Refuge. Volunteering gives you a chance to have a visible and lasting impact, experience personal satisfaction, and help the Friends support the Refuge that we all love.

Here are just a few of our volunteer opportunities:

  • Staff the Crane’s Nest Nature Center and Nature Store.
  • Become the lead steward for one of our Refuge Stewardship projects.
  • Volunteer to assist at the Friends Annual Membership Gatherings and events.
  • Staff a Friends table at community festivals and events.
  • Lead or participate on the Friends Refuge Trail Stewardship Team.
  • Support a stewardship project as gardener, landscaper, or carpenter.
  • Lead a bird tour or conduct a natural history presentation at the Nature Center.
  • Opportunities are as varied as your interests and expertise!

Spend some time in the High Desert!

Do you enjoy spending time in the high-desert expanses of Malheur Refuge? Are you interested in improving Refuge habitat, monitoring wildlife populations, or providing interpretive services to visitors? Volunteers with FOMR do all that and much more.

Become a Resident Volunteer

Residential volunteers with Friends of Malheur Refuge are able to park their recreational vehicles at the Refuge Headquarters RV hook-ups and also have access to the volunteer community building with a lounge,  kitchen and laundry facilities. There are also two stand-alone restroom facilities with showers. We usually require a month-long commitment of 24 hours per week, but shorter volunteer commitments may be available.



How about a Friends leadership role? 

If you would like to help guide the Friends of Malheur as we navigate future challenges and opportunities, then these volunteer engagements are for you:

Become a Committee Member

The Friends committees are important working groups that support the Board of Directors by making recommendations and carry out activities that fulfill our annual objectives.  Our committees include Finance, Nominating, Fundraising, Membership, Projects, and Advocacy.  From time to time, ad hoc committees may be formed to support special programs and events.

Become a Board Member

The Board of Directors establishes and directs the activities of the Friends of Malheur and plans for the future by setting annual objectives and goals. The Board consists of four officers and up to 10 Director-at-Large members. The Board terms are for three years and the Board meets four times a year.

Please join us.

We are counting on you to make a difference. If you wish to volunteer now or just need more information, please fill out the form below.

After you submit this form, you will be contacted via email to further discuss volunteer opportunities. Thank you for being interested in sharing your time and talents with Friends of Malheur Refuge!

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Friends of Malheur NWR is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our constituents. We will never sell or share contact information with any external entity and will ensure that any third party platform we use to manage such data upholds the same commitment.

How about a Friends leadership role? 

Help guide us.

If you would like to help guide the Friends of Malheur as we navigate future challenges and opportunities, then these volunteer engagements are for you:

Be a Committee Member

The Friends committees are important working groups that support the Board of Directors by making recommendations and carry out activities that fulfill our annual objectives.  Our committees include Finance, Nominating, Fundraising, Membership, Projects, and Advocacy.  From time to time, ad hoc committees may be formed to support special programs and events.

Be a Board Member

The Board of Directors establishes and directs the activities of the Friends of Malheur and plans for the future by setting annual objectives and goals. The Board consists of four officers and up to 10 Director-at-Large members. The Board terms are for three years and the Board meets four times a year.

Please join us.

We are counting on you to make a difference. If you wish to volunteer now or just need more information, please fill out the form below.

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By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: . You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact
Peter Pearsall Western Meadowlark

Be a Malheur Refuge Advocate.

You can become a Malheur Refuge champion by joining the Friends of Malheur and together we can advocate for a secure and more prosperous future for Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and our national wildlife refuge system.