As a new member or a long-time supporter, we know that you care about the Friends of Malheur and Malheur Refuge. You can help make an investment in our stewardship work on behalf of the Refuge and the wildlife that it protects.
A meaningful way to secure this legacy is through a planned gift knowing your contribution will have a lasting impact for years to come.
When you include the Friends in your estate planning, you join others as a member of our Legacy Society – and you gain peace of mind, knowing that your values will continue to become action on behalf of the Refuge and birds and animals that make it home.
There are several ways to include Friends of Malheur in your estate plans, here are some planned giving options. We would be happy to talk with you about these giving opportunities in confidence and without obligation.
When you Donate to the Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge you are contributing to an approved Oregon Cultural Trust Non-profit and are eligible for an Oregon Cultural Tax Credit!
How? It’s simple. The Cultural Trust empowers Oregonians to leverage their support for arts, heritage and humanities nonprofits with the Cultural Tax Credit. When you match your cultural donation with a gift to the Oregon Cultural Trust, you direct a portion of your state taxes to fund more than 1,600 cultural organizations. And come tax time, you will receive up to a 100% refund in the form of a state tax credit.
By using the Cultural Tax Credit, Oregonians and the Cultural Trust have awarded close to $40 million, and counting, to the cultural nonprofits that define our quality of life. Join us by taking your support of Oregon’s arts, heritage and humanities to the next level. Make culture count!
Make an Annual IRA Distribution
If you are 70 1/2 years or older, you can make a charitable contribution directly from your IRA without counting those gifts as a part of your adjusted gross income. If you have a traditional IRA, the gift amount counts towards your Required Minimum Distribution. Charitable contributions can be made up to a maximum of $100,000, from eligible retirement accounts, including traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. Have your IRA gift sent directly from your IRA administrator or trustee to the Friends of Malheur.
Here is Friends information you need to make your IRA distribution.
Donate Stocks, Bonds, ETFs, and Mutual Funds
By donating appreciated stocks or other investment shares held for more than a year, you can avoid paying capital gains taxes on the appreciated value of your asset, receive a tax deduction on the full value of the gift, and support the Friends of Malheur.
For More Information contact, Janelle Wicks, Executive Director
Establish A Charitable Remainder Or Lead Trust
Contribute appreciated assets to a Charitable Remainder Trust or Lead Trust. A remainder trust pays out a current income stream to you with the remainder passing to the Friends from your estate. Choose a lead trust and the Friends will benefit during your lifetime with an income stream and the principal will go to your beneficiaries.
Talk with your financial advisor about the possibilities.
Consider a Will or Trust Bequest
You can give a lasting gift to by making a bequest in your will naming “Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge" as a beneficiary or co-beneficiary. This planned giving option can be used to make a major contribution to the Friends that will enhance our ability to meet our Refuge stewardship responsibilities and fulfill our mission in future years. A bequest to the Friends of Malheur is not subject to federal or estate taxes and there is no limit on the amount of the deduction.
For more information, contact your accountant, attorney, or financial advisor for advice.
Make an Annual IRA Distribution
If you are 70 1/2 years or older, you can make a charitable contribution directly from your IRA without counting those gifts as a part of your adjusted gross income. If you have a traditional IRA, the gift amount counts towards your Required Minimum Distribution. Charitable contributions can be made up to a maximum of $100,000, from eligible retirement accounts, including traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. Have your IRA gift sent directly from your IRA administrator or trustee to the Friends of Malheur.
Here is Friends information you need to make your IRA distribution.
Donate Stocks, Bonds, ETFs, and Mutual Funds
By donating appreciated stocks or other investment shares held for more than a year, you can avoid paying capital gains taxes on the appreciated value of your asset, receive a tax deduction on the full value of the gift, and support the Friends of Malheur.
For More Information contact, Janelle Wicks, Executive Director
Establish A Charitable Remainder Or Lead Trust
Contribute appreciated assets to a Charitable Remainder Trust or Lead Trust. A remainder trust pays out a current income stream to you with the remainder passing to the Friends from your estate. Choose a lead trust and the Friends will benefit during your lifetime with an income stream and the principal will go to your beneficiaries.
Talk with your financial advisor about the possibilities.
Consider a Will or Trust Bequest
You can give a lasting gift to by making a bequest in your will naming “Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge" as a beneficiary or co-beneficiary. This planned giving option can be used to make a major contribution to the Friends that will enhance our ability to meet our Refuge stewardship responsibilities and fulfill our mission in future years. A bequest to the Friends of Malheur is not subject to federal or estate taxes and there is no limit on the amount of the deduction.
For more information, contact your accountant, attorney, or financial advisor for advice.
Important Planned Giving Information
As with any sizable gift to a non-profit, it is important that you consult your financial, tax, and legal advisor before contributing to assuring you receive the best financial benefits. The Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge does not provide tax, legal or financial advice.
When making an IRA contribution, establishing a bequest, setting up a trust, or donating stocks, bonds, or other assets, your financial advisor needs the following Friends’ legal information.
It is imperative that the Friends acknowledge and honor your legacy gift and included you in the Legacy Society. If we have the privilege of being in your estate plans, we hope you will let us know. We value the opportunity to thank you, and your gift can inspire others in their legacy planning.
Do you want more information?
If you would like more information or have questions about planned giving opportunities, please contact Janelle Wicks, Executive Director.
Be a Malheur Refuge Advocate.
You can become a Malheur Refuge champion by joining the Friends of Malheur and together we can advocate for a secure and more prosperous future for Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and our national wildlife refuge system.