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Interior Western Snowy Plover Survey

June 18 - June 21

Alkalia Playa

Join Portland Audubon and USFWS staff in surveying for Snowy Plovers and other shorebirds on the playas of the Double O unit of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. These areas are typically closed to the public so this is a great opportunity to see parts of the Refuge that not many people get to see while also giving back to Malheur and the birds who breed and stopover here. Camping will be provided. Camping gear is available for participants to use during this event. All routes for this survey require hiking more than 5 miles roundtrip, many require hiking up to 10 miles roundtrip. There will be no bathrooms during this survey.

Camping is provided for all of these community science weekends. There is camping gear available through our gear library. BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled birders, bird-enthusiasts, and Malheur aficionados are welcome. Accessibility is noted in program description.

For more information, contact Dr. Teresa “Bird” Wicks at [email protected]


June 18
June 21
Event Category:


Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
36391 Sodhouse Ln
Princeton, OR 97721
+ Google Map