Conservation Plan Collaborative – Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Planning Meeting
The Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Planning (CCP) process is designed to encourage participation from stakeholder groups and individuals. If you are passionate about Malheur NWR, as I know you are, please attend these public meetings which will be held virtually and in-person. Not only will you gain an intimate understanding of how the Refuge is approaching management, but you will have an opportunity to actively participate.
During this first meeting there will be a presentation on what a CCP is, and the approach being taken to develop this next management plan. Participants will be invited to share what they value in the Refuge so that an understanding of various stakeholder perspectives can be built as a foundational reference to support the process. Click HERE to read about the current CCP and the process taken to develop it.
Harney County Chamber of Commerce (484 N Broadway Ave, Burns, OR 97720)
9:30 – 10:00 am Welcome, Introductions, and Agenda
● Introductions: Name, Organization
10:00 – 11:00 am Refuge Revelations: Unveiling the Heart of Community w/ Turner Odell and Jess Wenick
● An open discussion on why Malheur NWR is important to you and your motivations for participating in the collaborative CCP process.
● Guiding questions: What is your connection to the Refuge and why is the Refuge important to you?
What are your aspirations for the CCP process?
Break (15 min)
11:15 – 12:00 pm Saving the World One Plan at a Time: A Shallow Dive into CCP Planning and our Collaborative Foundation w/ Jess Wenick
● A presentation that strives to reduce the use of government lingo while describing the CCP planning process
● Harnessing diverse perspectives, skills, and experiences via collaboration
Break for Lunch (60 min)
1:00pm – 1:45 pm Critical Crossroads: Spotlight on Threats Driving our Planning Journey w/ Travis Miller
● A presentation describing the challenges facing the Refuge that will inform the CCP planning process
1:45 – 3:00 pm Wrap Up and Final Thoughts
● Closing remarks and a brief look ahead