Loss of a Malheur Friend: John Edgar Cornely
Sadly, one of our longtime Friends, Dr. John Edgar Cornely, 77, of Larkspur, CO passed away on October 13, 2023, after a long battle with cancer.
Sadly, one of our longtime Friends, Dr. John Edgar Cornely, 77, of Larkspur, CO passed away on October 13, 2023, after a long battle with cancer.
It is our mission to both provide a conduit for each of us to support of important programs at Malheur NWR and, just as importantly, a means for us to receive the many gifts Malheur that has to bestow upon us.
‘I just did a fund raiser through my business (Howl Goods) and raised $500 for the Malheur Wildlife Refuge! I have a small business in Bend designing and making apparel and leather goods.’
A family wedding – a very special niece – took me south into California recently, and as I often do when I travel, I took advantage of the drive to seek out a few national wildlife refuges.
The Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge proudly sponsor the annual Youth Artist in Residence program which delivers ART and SCIENCE education to every elementary school classroom in Harney County.
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Donations are used across the Refuge for a variety of projects and programs that support our mission.