
Bird List – July 2020


Bird List – July 2020

List compiled by Teresa Wicks/ Photo by Loree Johnson

Portland Audubon’s Eastern Oregon Field Biologist, Teresa Wicks, has been compiling a weekly bird list. We have been sharing that list on the @MalheurFriends Facebook page as a part of our collaborative Harney@Home campaign. For more of Teresa’s observations and field experiences you can follow @RestoreMalheur on Facebook and catch the occasional article from her in our monthly Malheur Musings newsletter.

The combined list for July totals 138 species!

american avocet
american bittern
american coot
american crow
american goldfinch
american kestrel
american robin
american white pelican
american wigeon
ash-throated flycatcher
bald eagle
bank swallow
barn swallow
belted kingfisher
bewick’s wren
black tern
black-billed magpie
black-chinned hummingbird
black-crowned night-heron
black-headed grosbeak
black-necked stilt
black-throated gray warbler
black-throated sparrow
blue-gray gnatcatcher
blue-winged teal
brewer’s blackbird
brewer’s sparrow
brown-headed cowbird
bullock’s oriole
burrowing owl
california gull
california quail
canada goose
canyon wren
caspian tern
cedar waxwing
chipping sparrow
cinnamon teal
clark’s grebe
cliff swallow
common merganser
common nighthawk
common raven
common yellowthroat
double-crested cormorant
eared grebe
eastern kingbird
eurasian collared-dove
european starling
ferruginous hawk
forster’s tern
franklin’s gull
golden eagle
gray flycatcher
great egret
great horned owl
greater yellowlegs
green-winged teal
hooded merganser
horned grebe
house finch
house sparrow
house wren
lazuli bunting
least sandpiper
lesser goldfinch
lesser yellowlegs
loggerhead shrike
long-billed curlew
long-billed dowitcher
long-eared owl
marsh wren
mourning dove
northern flicker
northern harrier
northern pintail
northern rough-winged swallow
northern shoveler
orange-crowned warbler
peregrine falcon
pied-billed grebe
prairie falcon
red-breasted nuthatch
red-necked phalarope
red-tailed hawk
red-winged blackbird
ring-billed gull
ring-necked duck
ring-necked pheasant
rock pigeon
rock wren
ruddy duck
rufous hummingbird
sage thrasher
sagebrush sparrow
sandhill crane
savannah sparrow
say’s phoebe
short-eared owl
snowy egret
song sparrow
spotted sandpiper
spotted towhee
swainson’s hawk
tree swallow
trumpeter swan
turkey vulture
vesper sparrow
violet-green swallow
virginia rail
warbling vireo
western bluebird
western grebe
western kingbird
western meadowlark
western sandpiper
western tanager
western  wood-pewee
white-faced ibis
willow flycatcher
wilson’s phalarope
wilson’s snipe
wood duck
yellow warbler
yellow-breasted chat
yellow-headed blackbird

For more information about bird sightings and migration through Malheur National Wildlife Refuge please visit our Seasons of Wildlife Page.


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